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Buy 4-HO-EPT for sale online from USA vendor

Product Name: 4-HO-EPT
IUPAC Name: 3-[2-(Ethylpropylamino)ethyl]-4-indolol
Other Names: 4-HO-EPT, Eprocin
Molecular Formula: None
Molar Mass: 237.26 g·mol−1
Effect: stimulant, psychedelic
Purity of the substance: 99.9%
Physical properties: Crystals, Powder
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  • 4-HO-EPT for sale online from USA vendor

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

    • Overview of 4-HO-EPT
    • Historical Context
  2. Chemistry

    • Molecular Composition
    • Tryptamine Class Characteristics
  3. Pharmacology

    • Serotonergic Psychedelic Properties
    • Interaction with 5-HT2A Receptors
  4. Dosage

    • Light, Common, and Strong Dosages
    • Responsible Experimentation
  5. Subjective Effects

    • Disclaimer on Anecdotal Reports
    • Physical, Visual, Cognitive, Auditory, and Transpersonal Effects
  6. Toxicity and Harm Potential

    • Lack of Scientific Studies
    • Anecdotal Evidence
    • Tolerance and Addiction Potential
    • Dangerous Interactions
  7. Legal Status

    • Global Overview
    • Country-Specific Regulations (Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States)

Exploring the Characteristics, Usage, and Effects

4-Hydroxy-N-ethyl-N-propyltryptamine, commonly known as 4-HO-EPT or Eprocin, emerges as a distinctive synthetic psychedelic within the tryptamine chemical class, delivering profound psychedelic effects upon administration. This compound bears structural similarities to psilocin (4-HO-DMT), the active component found in psilocybin mushrooms, thereby inducing comparable psychedelic experiences.


Little is known about the pharmacological properties, metabolism, and toxicity of 4-HO-EPT, contributing to its enigmatic status within the realm of psychoactive substances. Remarkably, it entered the market as a research chemical in 2016, devoid of any prior human usage history. This obscurity prompts its consumption for either recreational purposes or scientific investigation.

The Mystery of 4-HO-EPT

Given the scarcity of data, comprehensive insights into the pharmacological intricacies of 4-HO-EPT remain elusive. Its introduction as an online research chemical in 2016 marks the genesis of its exploration, leaving researchers and enthusiasts to navigate uncharted territory.

Recreational and Research Applications

Intriguingly, 4-HO-EPT deviates from its more popular 4-substituted tryptamine counterparts, as it lacks prominent visual effects. Instead, it predominantly amplifies colors, rendering them with a distinctive "neon-ish" vibrancy. Users commonly report a robust euphoric body high, with some likening it to the sensations associated with opiates. The overall mindset induced by 4-HO-EPT tends to be light and positive, further distinguishing it within the psychedelic landscape.

A Detailed Look into Its Molecular Composition and Pharmacological Mechanisms


4-HO-EPT, scientifically known as 4-hydroxy-N,N-diethyltryptamine, represents a synthetic indole molecule belonging to the tryptamine class. Tryptamines, a broader category, share a fundamental structure characterized by a bicyclic indole heterocycle connected at R3 to an amino group via an ethyl side chain. In the case of 4-HO-EPT, the indole heterocycle is substituted at R4 with a hydroxyl functional group (OH−). Additionally, it features a propyl and ethyl chain attached to the terminal amine RN of its tryptamine backbone (EPT).


Delving into the pharmacological aspects of 4-HO-EPT reveals its classification as a serotonergic psychedelic, aligning it with the broader category of psychedelic tryptamines. The prevailing theory suggests that, akin to many psychedelic tryptamines, 4-HO-EPT primarily functions as a 5-HT2A partial agonist. The psychedelic effects attributed to this compound are believed to stem from its binding efficacy at the 5-HT2A receptors.

However, despite these insights, the exact mechanisms underlying these receptor interactions and how they translate into the psychedelic experience remain shrouded in mystery. The complex interplay between 4-HO-EPT and the 5-HT2A receptors presents an intriguing area for further research, as scientists seek to unravel the intricacies of this synthetic indole molecule within the context of serotonergic psychedelics.


Embarking on a journey with 4-HO-EPT necessitates a nuanced understanding of dosage parameters to ensure a safe and satisfying psychedelic experience. The following dosage guidelines outline the spectrum from light to strong, providing users with a framework for responsible experimentation.

Light Dosage: 15 - 20 mg

For those seeking a gentle introduction to the effects of 4-HO-EPT, a light dosage ranging from 15 to 20 mg is recommended. This dosage level is designed to offer subtle yet perceptible psychedelic experiences, allowing users to gauge their sensitivity to the compound without delving into more intense effects.

Common Dosage: 30 - 40 mg

The common dosage range of 30 to 40 mg represents a moderate level of 4-HO-EPT consumption. Users within this range can anticipate a more pronounced psychedelic experience, characterized by heightened sensory perception and altered thought patterns. It provides a balance between exploration and intensity, making it suitable for those with some prior psychedelic experience.

Strong Dosage: 40 - 60 mg

Venturing into the strong dosage category, individuals consuming 40 to 60 mg of 4-HO-EPT should be prepared for a significantly intense psychedelic encounter. This range is reserved for experienced users seeking a profound and immersive journey. The effects at this dosage may include vivid visuals, intensified emotional experiences, and a deeper exploration of consciousness.

A Closer Look at Experiences, with a Disclaimer on Anecdotal Reports

Subjective Effects

Exploring the subjective effects of 4-HO-EPT provides valuable insights into the diverse experiences reported by users. It's important to note that the information presented here is derived from the Subjective Effect Index (SEI), a compilation of anecdotal user reports and analyses contributed by the PsychonautWiki community. However, a degree of skepticism is advised when interpreting these subjective accounts.

Disclaimer: Approach with Skepticism

The subjective effects outlined below are based on the SEI, reflecting anecdotal narratives rather than clinically validated data. Users should approach this information with a healthy degree of skepticism, recognizing the subjective nature of individual experiences.

Unpredictability of Effects

It is crucial to acknowledge that the listed effects may not manifest predictably or reliably in all individuals. Variability in personal responses to 4-HO-EPT can be influenced by factors such as individual physiology, mental state, and environmental conditions.

Dose-Dependent Variation

While higher doses are more likely to induce the full spectrum of effects associated with 4-HO-EPT, the experiences can vary widely among users. The dosage-response relationship is not uniform, and individual reactions may diverge.

Caution on Higher Doses

Adverse effects, including the risk of addiction, severe injury, or even death, become more likely with higher doses of 4-HO-EPT. Users are strongly advised to exercise caution and adhere to responsible dosing practices to mitigate potential risks associated with elevated consumption.

A Comprehensive Exploration of Subjective Experiences with 4-HO-EPT

Physical Effects

Spontaneous Physical Sensations: Users of 4-HO-EPT commonly report spontaneous physical sensations, which can manifest as tingling, warmth, or gentle waves throughout the body.

Increased Heart Rate: A noticeable elevation in heart rate is a prevalent physical response to 4-HO-EPT, contributing to the overall physiological changes induced by the compound.

Nausea: Some individuals may experience nausea as a side effect, emphasizing the importance of considering individual tolerance and susceptibility to gastrointestinal effects.

Pupil Dilation: The dilation of pupils is a characteristic physiological response, indicating the impact of 4-HO-EPT on the autonomic nervous system.

Visual Effects


  • Colour Enhancement: Users often report a vivid intensification and enhancement of colors, contributing to a visually vibrant experience.
  • Pattern Recognition Enhancement: 4-HO-EPT may heighten the recognition and appreciation of patterns, enriching the visual field.


  • Drifting: Visual stimuli may appear to drift, melt, breathe, morph, or flow, creating a dynamic and ever-changing perceptual landscape.
  • Colour Shifting: The colors of the environment may undergo dynamic shifts and alterations.
  • Depth Perception Distortions: Perceived distances and dimensions may become distorted.
  • Perspective Distortions: Changes in the perception of depth and perspective are common.
  • Symmetrical Texture Repetition: Symmetrical patterns may repetitively manifest, contributing to the visual distortions.
  • Tracers and After Images: The persistence of visual impressions and afterimages can create a trail or echo effect.
  • Brightness Alteration: Users may perceive alterations in the brightness of visual stimuli.
  • Diffraction: Visual diffraction patterns may emerge, enhancing the overall visual experience.


  • Hallucinatory States: Complex geometric patterns and shapes may unfold, contributing to hallucinatory visual states.
  • Transformations: The environment may undergo transformative changes, leading to a kaleidoscopic visual experience.
  • Internal Hallucination: Users may encounter internal hallucinations, including autonomous entities, vivid settings, sceneries, landscapes, and intricate plots.

Cognitive Effects

Conceptual Thinking: 4-HO-EPT can induce a heightened state of conceptual thinking, fostering abstract and introspective thought processes.

Cognitive Euphoria: Users often report a euphoric state of mind, characterized by a positive and uplifting cognitive atmosphere.

Delusion: Some individuals may experience delusions, highlighting the need for a cautious approach and responsible usage.

Emotion Enhancement: Emotional experiences are intensified, amplifying both positive and negative emotions.

Immersion Enhancement: Users may feel deeply immersed in their surroundings or activities, enhancing the overall experience.

Increased Music Appreciation: The appreciation for music is commonly enhanced, with auditory stimuli taking on a heightened significance.

Memory Suppression: 4-HO-EPT may induce temporary memory suppression, influencing the recollection of events during the experience.

Ego Death: Some users report a dissolution of the ego, leading to a profound sense of interconnectedness with the external world.

Novelty Enhancement: Perceptions of novelty and fascination with the environment may be heightened.

Personal Bias Suppression: Users may experience a reduction in personal biases, fostering a more objective and open-minded perspective.

Thought Loops: Cognitive processes may become temporarily stuck in repetitive thought loops, a phenomenon users should be aware of.

Time Distortion: Perceived time may undergo distortions, leading to a sense of time dilation or contraction.

Auditory Effects


  • Distortions: Auditory stimuli may be distorted, leading to altered perceptions of sound.
  • Hallucinations: Some users may experience auditory hallucinations, contributing to the overall sensory complexity.

Transpersonal Effects

Unity and Interconnectedness: Transpersonal effects may include a profound sense of unity and interconnectedness with the universe, fostering a deep and meaningful connection beyond individual consciousness.

Toxicity and Harm Potential

The scientific exploration of the toxicity and long-term health effects stemming from recreational 4-HO-EPT use is notably absent, primarily due to its classification as a research chemical with minimal human usage history. Consequently, the exact toxic dose remains unknown. Anecdotal evidence from the community suggests that at low to moderate doses used sparingly, there seem to be no negative health effects associated with 4-HO-EPT. However, caution is paramount, and independent research should precede any combination of substances to ensure safety.

It is strongly recommended that harm reduction practices be employed when engaging with 4-HO-EPT to mitigate potential risks associated with its consumption.

Tolerance and Addiction Potential

Contrary to habit-forming substances, 4-HO-EPT is not considered habit-forming, and the desire to use it may decrease with regular consumption. As is common with psychedelics, 4-HO-EPT is often thought to be self-regulating.

Tolerance to the effects of 4-HO-EPT builds almost immediately after ingestion. The reduction to half-tolerance takes approximately 3 days, with a return to baseline after 7 days in the absence of further consumption. Importantly, 4-HO-EPT presents cross-tolerance with all psychedelics, implying that the consumption of 4-HO-EPT will diminish the effects of other psychedelics.

Dangerous Interactions


The combination of psychoactive substances can pose unexpected dangers, transitioning from reasonably safe to life-threatening. Conducting independent research is crucial to ensure the safety of combining substances. Some known dangerous interactions, although not exhaustive, are outlined below.

  • Lithium: Combining lithium, commonly prescribed for bipolar disorder, with psychedelics significantly heightens the risk of psychosis and seizures, making this combination strongly discouraged.

  • Cannabis: The synergy between cannabis and 4-HO-EPT can be unpredictable and may increase the risk of adverse psychological reactions, including anxiety, paranoia, panic attacks, and psychosis. Caution is advised, starting with a fraction of the normal cannabis dose and taking breaks between hits.

  • Stimulants: Stimulants such as amphetamine, cocaine, or methylphenidate, when combined with 4-HO-EPT, can elevate the risk of anxiety, paranoia, panic attacks, thought loops, and may also increase the likelihood of mania and psychosis.

  • Tramadol: Known to lower the seizure threshold, tramadol combined with psychedelics may trigger seizures in susceptible individuals, posing a potential danger.

Always prioritize personal safety by conducting thorough research and remaining cautious when considering combinations of substances, as the risk of adverse reactions is not limited to the examples listed above.

Legal Status

The legal status of 4-HO-EPT varies across countries, influenced by its relative obscurity and limited history of human usage.

Global Overview

In many countries, the possession and sale of 4-HO-EPT remain unscheduled due to its obscurity in the mainstream. However, legal perspectives differ in specific regions.

Country-Specific Regulations


  • As of July 18, 2019, Germany controls 4-HO-EPT under the New Psychoactive Substances Act (NpSG).
  • Production, import with the intention to place it on the market, administration to others, placing it on the market, and trading are all punishable offenses.
  • While possession is illegal, it is not punishable. However, the legislator considers the possibility of orders for 4-HO-EPT being punishable as incitement to place it on the market.


  • 4-HO-EPT is not controlled under Buchstabe A, B, C, and D in Switzerland, suggesting it could be considered legal.

United Kingdom:

  • In the United Kingdom, 4-HO-EPT is categorized as a Class A drug, falling under the tryptamine catch-all clause.

United States:

  • In the United States, 4-HO-EPT remains unscheduled. However, its status may be subject to change as it could be considered an analogue of psilocin, a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act.
  • The sale for human consumption or illicit non-medical/industrial use could lead to prosecution under the Federal Analogue Act.

The legal status of 4-HO-EPT is nuanced and contingent on specific national regulations. As this substance gains attention, individuals are advised to stay informed about the legal landscape in their respective countries, recognizing the potential for legal consequences associated with its possession, sale, or use.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1: Is 4-HO-EPT considered habit-forming?

  • A1: No, 4-HO-EPT is not habit-forming, and the desire to use it may decrease with regular consumption.

Q2: How quickly does tolerance develop with 4-HO-EPT, and how long does it last?

  • A2: Tolerance to 4-HO-EPT develops almost immediately after ingestion. It takes about 3 days for tolerance to be reduced to half and 7 days to return to baseline in the absence of further consumption.

Q3: Are there known dangerous interactions with 4-HO-EPT?

  • A3: Yes, caution is advised as certain combinations, such as lithium, cannabis, stimulants, and tramadol, may pose risks. Independent research is recommended to ensure safety.

Q4: What is the legal status of 4-HO-EPT in the United States?

  • A4: 4-HO-EPT is currently unscheduled in the United States. However, it may be considered an analogue of psilocin, leading to potential legal consequences under the Federal Analogue Act.

Q5: Can I legally possess 4-HO-EPT in the United Kingdom?

  • A5: No, 4-HO-EPT is classified as a Class A drug in the United Kingdom under the tryptamine catch-all clause.

Q6: How should I approach the subjective effects of 4-HO-EPT?

  • A6: Approach with skepticism, as subjective effects are based on anecdotal reports. Responsible experimentation and adherence to harm reduction practices are recommended.

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